CG Day 2 - Ward's Canyon

Oyster Moon
Paul Foskett & Rhu Nash
Thu 6 Dec 2012 08:28
I knew I was going to be in serious trouble with my feet when we got to Ward’s Canyon, a small side gorge, about 4.6km from the visitor’s centre. It was lovely and cool in here though.  The gorge is so called because the Ward brothers used to use it as a seasonal home when they were out catching possums.  They would store the pelts here. 
Here she comes – gingerly..
The footpath was also lined with tree ferns and other types of fern.  The size of the tree ferns you can only really appreciate when someone stands beside them.
Another reason to visit was that it is the only site in central Queensland where you can see the king fern (Angiopteris evecta). All the other sites are along the coast. This population must have been isolated for a very long time.  Climate change being the cause of their isolation.  They need a permanent water source as they have no woody flesh to support the fronds, which are about 5 m length.  Water pressure keeps the fronds turgid.  These photo’s don’t really do justice to their size – still not told him about his hat. 
The canyon ended in a small rock pool (no swimming of course) and waterfall.  You can just make out the trickle in the middle of the picture – white vertical gash. 
Just like to say I cried on the way home with pain from my feet.  The only good thing was that the blisters on my right foot had originally detracted from the pain emanating from my left big toe.  We were back at our cabin by 1230 when the heat had just started to build up.  In bed by 1930.