A Quick Tour of the Island

Mike and Liz Downing
Tue 15 Jul 2014 00:49
Decided to take a taxi tour rather than hire a car and soon came to the conclusion that there are either no speed cameras on the island or no speed limits! We wanted a quick tour as we were running out of time, and that's just what we got. But it was good and we did see all we wanted to.
The caldeira in the centre of the island.
Capelinhos - created by an underwater volcano in 1958 which added this headland to the island.
We saw it 18 years ago and still no vegetation has managed to take hold..
The old lighthouse was partly buried by the eruption and you couldn't go near it 18 years ago, but
today there's a fantastic museum built underground and you can now also go up to the top
of the lighthouse, which we did (more climbing!).
Back in Horta at the Cafe Sport. They have books there for visiting yachts to write a few words and
sign their name. Jonathan drew this picture when he was with us 18 years ago (when he was
11) and it was stuck in the book in 1996. Jose, who owns and runs Cafe Sport, got the old book
out today and the picture was still there. Our boat back then was a Westerly Corsair, Crystal Star.
The lanes and hedges across the island are covered in hydrangeas, so much so that Faial is known
as the Blue Island. They weren't quite out and apparently would be much better in a couple of
weeks, but we thought they were impressive enough.
Pico always ends up in the picture at some point! (Cloud covering the summit, as it has done every
day since it was clear when we went up it nearly 2 weeks ago.)