Things could not be more different. The strong winds started to ease yesterday evening and by midnight both wind and sea were a lot more comfortable. The forecast was for the wind to drop to 15kts (which normally means 15 to 20), but by daybreak it was down to 10 to 12kts and has been down below 10kts for much of the day. So we've been plodding along at 3 to 4kts with sails collapsing in the swell. The sea has gone right down (and it was a very peaceful night), but there is still a significant swell and a small chop on top which together result in the sails collapsing or part collapsing (if poled out) every so often. So quite frustrating. With the wind chop it was clear there was wind about, but not where we were, until early afternoon that is. What wind there was went round to the southeast and beyond and increased to 12 to 15kts, and with the better angle and full main and outer genoa up we're making 6 to 6.5kts. It's good to be going again, and what's more, in approximately the right direction! The noon-to-noon run was 144.1 miles. Not bad considering the light winds this morning.