Left Tahaa this morning later than expected as a 30kt squall came through and we were having second thoughts on whether it was such a good idea to go today. The weather then calmed down so the passage started along the east coast of Tahaa and then west through the lagoon between Tahaa and Raiatea to go through the pass through the reef and out to sea. Expecting strong winds from astern we only had our headsail up, but the winds dropped down and the swell came up and we rolled. So the pole went up to keep the windward headsail out and the other headsail was sheeted normally - what a difference - 7 to 8kts and very steady. It was only a passage of 30 miles and the anchor is down in the lagoon on the south west coast of the main island at Bora-Bora. It looks a lovely spot, but it was late afternoon when the anchor went down and the wind has come up gusty again - around 10kts and gusting down the hillsides to 25kts, so the lagoon has quite a chop on it. Hope this dies down in the morning, otherwise it will be a wet ride in the dinghy to explore ashore tomorrow. The summit of Bora-Bora is frequently elusive, shrouded in clouds, but today it was clear with just a puffy white cloud above it, so lots of pictures! Hope to get good wifi here, so should be able to get more pictures up on the blog.