We're on our way again. Having left the Port Moselle marina at 10.30, we were able to sail most of the 11 miles to the pass out of the lagoon and out to sea. We went through at pass at 12.30 under motor as the angle of it put the wind too fine on the port bow to sail, but it was only until through the pass and clear of the reef, so soon back sailing again. So we haven't gone far yet and are just over 20 miles west of the pass, but we're making 6 to 7kts through the water, which is better than we were expecting today. The good winds are not due to arrive until tomorrow or Monday. With a southerly swell and wind it's been a little bit up and down at times as we head into it, but not too bad. The wind is due to start going more east overnight and tomorrow, and if they are right it should end up as a downwind passage. We hope so.