Blog 1. 12 February 2020. Rebak and Langkawi. 06.18.096. 099.51.02

David Batten
Thu 13 Feb 2020 13:49
One very dirty hull after only 6 weeks in the warm Rebak waters
Rather more presentable after a pressure wash and on her way to be chocked up
With such a short laying-up, there has not been much to do except sand the copper anti foul and fill the grooves in the front of the keel where we were caught in the net on the trip to Debut from Australia
The main areas of damage to the front of the keel, the lowest one not yet filled. No damage to the keel itself, just a score in the filler and no sign of rust or any corrosion. We were so thankful to have replaced the mild steel keel with a stainless one in New Zealand, money well spent!
We have had a good time socialising with Chris and Francis on Usquabai of Fife, who are waiting for repairs to their sail drive and Mike on Hylite, plus some unscheduled time on getting the guest heads to work. The old macerator pump simply refused to show any signs of life and the new, spare pump had a partially drilled out fastener hole that prevented it bedding in properly. Result, rather smelly water from the inlet pipe dribbling into one of the most inaccessible lockers on testing. Neither Skipper nor wife happy, as a very tedious job to install the pump and a very tedious job to clean the locker so no nefarious odours left. Happily, both jobs completed after just moderate swearing from both parties. So just over a week later and we are now in the Royal Langkawi Yacht Club marina to do some final shopping, Langkawi being a duty free zone with some very reasonably priced stores selling a good range of alcohol including the very hard to find Ricard. One happy Skipper’s wife!
View from on shore looking south, with Marina to starboard
Royal Langkawi Yacht Club marina looking west
Very sadly, our visitors booked in for the next weeks and 2 weeks later have cancelled, quite understandably, because of Coronavirus, so we have no deadlines and may stay a little longer than panned to do some extra “jobs”.
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