Blog 63. 28 September. Lovina Beach, Bali. 08.09.64S 115.01.23E

David Batten
Mon 30 Sep 2019 12:52
The anchorage at Lovina Bay from the beach. The most rally boats in one place since Debut
Lovina has been all about tourism. The Festival has nothing to do with the Rally and has been a plus and minus. Plus because we got to see some of the famous Bali dancing, had free dinner and lunch at the hotel hosting the VIPs who attended the Festival opening and good seats for the first nigh’s entertainment. Minus because unbelievably loud music and commentary is the order of the day and night for the duration of the festival, which carries across the anchorage like a sound box. The only saving feature of the noise is that it drowns out the wailing from the mosques except at 5.00am when there is peace from the festival.
Bali dancers practising for the opening of the festival on the beach in front of the hotel
And for the young at heart, the chance to dance in a romantic setting with a sexy Bali dancer
The great and the good listening to one of the opening speeches, given from a stage on the sand and which was basically about how they planned to increase tourism and how nice it was to have the Wonderful Sail to Indonesia Rally to help promote tourism in the area. Hmmmmm.......
While on stage, highly decorated dancers and very loud music was the order of the night
The amplifiers out numbered anything else on stage and off stage
Retail therapy. Ship’s Boy in a new outfit bought specially for the occasion. She drives a very hard bargain and has all the stall holders sighing and claiming bankruptcy with her prices
More Bali to come.
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