Tobago Cays and Chatham Bay, 06/03/2014. 12.36.28N
David Batten
Sat 8 Mar 2014 21:49
Tuesday, 04/03/2014. After a very bumpy night with
loud slapping and banging of waves on the stern, we decide to try the other side
of the Islands, nearer the reef itself and motor round the Northern end of Petit
Rameau. The channel is quite narrow and with 15 to 17 knots of true wind
and plenty of white horses everywhere as well as the breakers, it was a jolly
little trip. The sea was a bit more consistent the other side and we
dropped anchor in the “deep” area between Petit Bateau and the reef, with all
the other yachts. We were a little disappointed with the snorkelling off
Baradel in the Turtle area, seeing only one Turtle and a very impressive Flying
Gunard fish. (Skipper’s wife was re-assured to see live conches in this
area, as the the number of shells around make one feel there can’t be any
left.) However, on the dinghy ride back to the boat, we saw about 5
turtles, including 2 that surfaced quite close to us. We did have
very good snorkelling off Petit Bateau in the afternoon, seeing 2 lovely Spotted
Eagle Rays and very good coral. The coral everywhere so far has been
disappointing, too many yachts and or global warming?
View of the anchorage off the reef with Palm Island in the Background and
the bay on the windward side of Petit Bateau, with Yachts anchored in the “cut”
behind the Island
Wednesday 05/03/2014. It is still blowing a
consistent force 5 and rougher than yesterday, so we decide to move on, after
watching The Truants indulging in some retail therapy courtesy of “Mr
Retail therapy,Caribbean style? The Truants supporting local
We departed the Cays after breakfast, following one monohull and several
catamarans through the South exit. Downwind and with the reefs showing
clearly, it was an easy exit followed by a fast sail, genoa only, to Chatham
Bay. How nice was Chatham Bay, with its good shelter and calm waters, even
if there were gusts at times from the steep hill surrounding the
anchorage. We snorkelled in the calm, if somewhat murky waters and enjoyed
an evening drink in the Palm Tree shack with the crew from Truant, plus David
and Sylvie and their guests and Alex, Michelle, Noah and Fern from Jade, who
were with us on the ARC.
Going ashore for an evening drink and the party gathering at the Palm Tree
Bar/Restaurant at Chatham Bay. No drink and drive laws for dinghies!
Thursday 06/03/2014. After a peaceful night, the
wind has got up so a good day for stretching our legs on Union Island. We
walked up the hill behind the Palm Tree and looked out to sea over Bloody Beach
with Mayreau in the background. We met one of the local men herding his
cattle and learnt about his life and high incidence of prostate cancer amongst
the men here.
View of the Bay from the track behind the Palm Leaf and the Skipper joins
some of the herd being driven to their daily watering.
View of Bloody Bay with Mayreau in the background and the Granada
Flycatcher we watched by the side of the track.
After walking back to the Southern end of the beach, we enjoyed curried
conch and kingfish for lunch at Aqua (guess who didn’t have curry!) before
collecting the dinghy from the Northern end and swimming back to the boat.
The Skipper always tows the dinghy on these occasions and it provides a great
protection against being hit by an outboard.
Aqua restaurant/bar on the beach, our lunchtime stop and the view of the
anchorage from Aqua.
After a lovely day, we have Alex, Michelle, Noah and Fern on board for tea
(or hot chocolate for Noah and Fern) and discuss cruising plans. Has the
wind dropped at last?