Log 6. Arrival in Santa Marta. 11.14.54N 74.13.09W
David Batten
Tue 19 Jan 2016 12:19
Thursday 14/1/2015. Yesterday’s conditions were too good to
last! We had great sailing during day light hours and then 3 disappointing
events occurred, the first being that we were overtaken by Chillie B in the
early evening. We really should be faster than her, but she was sailing
dead down wind under full mainsail alone, looking very comfortable and going
great guns. Well done her. The second was another failure to catch a
fish, one we never even noticed. The lure had clearly been bitten off, no
doubt by some monster fish out there as other boats were reporting catches of
tuna weighing 40 and 42 lbs. As we have very little idea on how to land or
deal with such a fish, maybe it was for the best that the lure was gone, though
the Ship’s Boy was a bit nappy about supper. Instead, we had delicious
Kidney Turbigo, so who needs Tuna Sushi. The third disappointment was that
the wind, rather than increasing during the night, decreased so all our
preparations before dark for 20 to 25 knots, as per the GRIB files, were worse
than a waste of time and after a truly maddening watch with winds varying
between 13 to 17 knots, the Skipper’s wife finally blew a gasket and demanded
help with taking out a reef. This is not such an easy thing to do on
Alcedo in the dark, as it involves 8 different ropes, all specific colours but
difficult to see in dark, so close attention and as many of the crew on deck as
possible. Those chosen being the ones that we don’t feel guilty about waking
up. Our reward was an immediate increase in the winds and great
Arrival time according to the Garmin varied from 08.00 to 14.30 but by
06.00 we were approaching Isle de La Aguja, where true to form, the wind
increased to 25 to 35 knots, with the odd gust of 38 knots. Very
exhilarating sailing and exciting with the Colombian coast beautiful in the dawn
light and the finish coming into view. We followed Chillie B to the finish
line and on the way, both boats received a great welcome from the Colombian
Coast Guard. Then it was preparations for being led into the Marina,
as we had to take up the keel as well as the usual prep of warps and fenders,
while the Marina staff took Chillie B in. After a false start, when we
were put into a berth with a very short finger pontoon, the Marina staff kindly
directed us to a much nicer berth, just as they did in St Lucia. Could
this become a habit?!
So the first leg of our adventure completed, we had a strong anchor nip
followed by lunch and a very serious siesta. Tonight there is
another WARC social and tomorrow we will try and restore order to the boat, have
a tour of the town and then a restaurant chosen by Anthony. We are much
looking forward to exploring as much of Santa Marta and the immediate area and
we are very much appreciating our Spanish speaking member of crew who has
already sorted repair of the broken pole goose neck.