Blog 75. 28 October 2019. The equator Party. 00.00.00N 104.50.950E

David Batten
Tue 29 Oct 2019 08:11
Kongka Kecil, the fishing village on stilts, with Windancer on the left of picture and Entice on the right.
The village as seen on the way to the beach from the dinghy
La Pecadora appeared to be emptying their deep freeze in preparation for laying up, so provided enough meat to feed 14 boats. The villagers looked on to start with and some cautiously tried nibbles such as crisps and nuts, not much English between them, but all very friendly. Some of the children even helped with the beach clean we did before eating, about 8 large bags being collected which the villages indicated they would burn.
28th October and as several yachts in the fleet have yet to cross the equator, an anchor, swim and drink at the equator was planned and executed.
Yachts anchored on the equator or just off it! Photograph taken from Windancer, with Entince in the foreground, Satori Two to her left, Alcedo and then from R to L, Time Bandit, Pecador, Bounty, Talulah Ruby, Stella Australis, and in the distance, Kitty Hawk, Cheeta, Osprey and Tulavu. Missing from the photograph, Sky Blue Eyes and Windrose, who were anchored the other side of Windancer
AIS of yachts anchored on the equator. Time Bandit claimed to be right on it
Ship’s Boy swimming for 00.00.000. Skipper and Skipper’s Wife already back on board
Yvonne and Rainer from La Pecadore bringing round the alcohol for the toast to Neptune
The swimming/drinking part was brought to an abrupt halt by Neptune deciding it was time to move on, with a squall of 25Knots hitting the fleet. Some distracted rally members had a hard swim back to their boat against wind and wave while others, like us, had seen the weather system coming, removed the dress overall flag and up anchored quickly. It was a great celebration for all and many thanks to Windancer and Entice for organising it.
Alcedo back in the Northern Hemisphere after being in the Southern Hemisphere since 16 Feb 2016 when we were on our way to the Galápagos Islands.
After the excitement of the Equator, a motor sail north hard on the wind to Kentar, all hoping that Neptune would be placated and the wind would return to the South West and drop, which happily for us, it did.
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