March 16/17. Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown and Glenorchy

David Batten
Sun 25 Mar 2018 09:00
Roadside lookout point
Looking up to the snow capped mountains on the north west side.
Lord of the Rings Country, north end of the lake.
No photographs of Queenstown, as no lingering there except to empty the grey water tank and fill up with fuel (very expensive) and then on to Glenorchy for the night before going up the gravel road to Lake Diamond. Very corrugated and best taken at far too fast a speed for safety, as demonstrated by the locals.
Our campsite at Lake Diamond, north of Glenorchy, true “freedom camping” as it is called here.
Tomorrow promises to be another lovely day and we have booked a “horseback” ride in the high country as there seem to be no maps for this part of the country.
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