Arrived at Calabash Bay. 23 38.1 N. 75 20.6 W

David Batten
Tue 14 Apr 2015 14:03
Left Cuba to beat to the top of Crooked Island, 135 miles hard on the wind with one tack of 20 miles. So could have been worse but it is several months since we last had to beat and we had forgotten how horrible it can be! In fact we had tolerable conditions never much more than 20 kts true so about 27 over the deck. We achieved this in just over 24 hours and anchored off the beach and collapsed for a lengthy siesta. The sea is an incredible deep blue and then turns turquoise as it gets shallow. We have been warned not to move other than with good light as the coral heads can come up anywhere.
So on the next day (Monday) with 85 miles to cover before we lost the light we left early with the dawn and had a lovely reach all the way along the east coast of Long Island and turned into Calabash Bay on schedule at 4.30 pm.
Today is one for the washing machine and a clean up before going on to George Town tomorrow to pick up Mary and Tom for a week's cruising.
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