Blog 27 cont.

David Batten
Thu 13 Jun 2019 10:32
The path to Whitsunday Peak through the forest
Skipper and crew at the top of the Peak. Note the low cloud....
....which obscured many of the great views from the top, this one looking towards Hamilton Island.
Back on the beach after our walk, which took us nearly half the 4 hours allowed on the notice boards, Skipper as always in the lead and well ahead of the rest of us.
A stunning sunset and a fitting end to a very satisfactory day.
Tomorrow we are planning a short 12nm hop to Nara Inlet on Hook Islet, which has less walking but great snorkelling off the headland between Nara and Macona Inlets. Why would 12nm make much difference to the Sharks? Snorkelling definitely not on the agenda!
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