From the Pacific. 3,03.2N 93,08.25

David Batten
Fri 4 Mar 2016 08:40
for a few and now we hope to have found the trade winds and are rocketing along towards the south west.
We have now got about 2800 miles to go so a little bit less than our atlantic crossing. At present we have 8.5 knots of wind from the south east. So we have the sheets eased a bit and we are sailing well.
We have just had the change of watch and Anthony is the lucky one to get the first proper sailing of the trip. Now all we have to do is to hope that this wind holds for the next two weeks!
We are surrounded by the ghostly forms of the swallow tailed gulls as they circle the boat clicking at each other, (they use echo location and are the worlds only truly nocturnal gulls). We assume that they are fishing in the seas that we have disturbed.
From all on board