Blog 24. Mackay and Goodbye to Jane. Tuesday, 4 June.

David Batten
Sat 8 Jun 2019 04:43
Then off for a hike in the forest, where Jane and the Skipper’s wife kept the others waiting an embarrassing length of time because of the birds.
Jane in action during the forest walk.
Then lunch at the Chalet, a famous spot because of the view down the valley from the dining room.
View from the Chalet
We also saw some handsome Sulphur Crested Cockatoos by the restaurant.
A very handsome and (noisy) Cockatoo who came to dine near the restaurant with his mate.
After lunch, a detour to Finch Hatton, which has more forest trails and a waterfall, which we were told you could not get to as they were working on making the trail safer. As it happened, the trail was open and the Ship’s Boy, Skipper and Bill did walk to the falls. Jane and Skipper’s wife, left behind because of twitching activities as usual, thought they had gone to the “ring of fire”, another water feature. Not having seen any sign of the rest of the crew, they asked a young couple they met coming from the waterfall if they had seen 2 guys and a girl. “No” says the young man without hesitation. Then, taking in the age of the persons in front of him, he said, “Actually, come to think of it, we did see 2 old gents and a lady there.” “Well, that would be them then”. Jane and Skipper’s wife much amused, rest of crew not impressed when we told them. The birds were much too difficult to photograph, but we did see this handsome fellow.
And there were some lovely river crossings:
One of the many lovely river crossings on the way to the Finch Hatton Gorge.
A very good day out for Jane’s last day and it was with sadness that we said goodbye to her this afternoon. We are planning to leave Mackay tomorrow but the forecast is not at all good for Thursday and Friday. We have done the shopping and think we have found a couple of suitable anchorages in the Whitsunday Islands, but it doesn’t look too good.
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