Blog 31. 22 June. The Fish and Dunk Island. 17.55.86S 146.08.22E

David Batten
Sat 22 Jun 2019 07:29
Skipper and Bill capture the fish....
Squeamish readers look away now....
......clearly a Spanish Mackerel when seen close up, being expertly filleted by Bill
After due consideration of the likelihood of the fish carrying ciguatera, we had it for supper and again for lunch today. Very good it was too and all well so far!
Dunk Island where we are anchored has a privately owned resort that has been damaged by 2 cyclones. The damage from the second, i.e. Cyclone Yasi in 2011 has not yet been repaired, although the grounds have been kept tidy and patrolled to keep out trespassers.
Notice to trespassers
One of the unrestored buildings of the resort showing the cyclone damage.
The rest of the island is National Park with some marked trails so this morning has been another hike, with the Skipper storming on ahead as usual and the Skipper’s wife trailing behind to try and identify some of the birds that filled the forest with their calls and songs.
The trail up to Mount Kootaloo with an arrow to indicate to the Skipper’s wife where to follow when there was a choice of trails.
Birds were very hard to photograph, but these 2 alternatives showed off nicely.
One of the views from the top of M. Kootaloo
Skipper and Ship’s Boy waiting for the Skipper’s wife to catch up.
Back on the beach with Alcedo in the background.
Now well exercised and full of tuna, we are making plans to go to Mourilyan tomorrow and then probably on the Cairns earlier than planned, as the weather is turning more cloudy and windy, so the swell in the island anchorages is beginning to be a nuisance.
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