Blog 13. Saturday. Baie Anse Majic

David Batten
Sat 18 May 2019 20:05
A magical day in the Majic Bay. At last sunshine and more warmth, except first thing in the morning when the Ship’s Boy was complaining about wanting to get her fleeces out again and having a heater on for getting up.

After declaring the complaints department closed (as usual), all embarked on a walk to the lighthouse, Jane’s bronchitis being better and the sunshine allowing more strenuous activities.

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Jane on the way up to the lighthouse, with the bay behind her

Fabulous views, blue sky and lots of birds, what could be better.

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The advance party of Skipper, Ship’s Boy and Kiwi Bill at the old lighthouse

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The lovely barred honey eater on one of the many different trees with blossom for birds.

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One of the many reefs that lie on the south east side of the southernmost tip of New Caledonia.

Then back to the boat for more play with the toys and the usual top class lunch provided by the lunchtime cook, aka Jane.


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