Blog 16. At sea. 22.47.06S 155.54.25
David Batten
Tue 28 May 2019 07:55
Happy Toad enjoying sunny conditions and good speeds, so supper should be extra good. The lunch cook, Jane and the supper cook, Ship’s Boy, have really excelled themselves to date, with amazing meals in quite bumpy conditions.
Late afternoon brought more showers and heralded a night of more difficult sailing, including easterlies, i.e. dead down wind for our course. This has led to David being called up regularly for pole up/pole down, reef in/reef out or just “David do something”!
Skipper’s wife in a contemplative mood in not such good conditions. Note the tropical sailing wear.
We are now 350nm from our way point off the Great Barrier Reef, sailing more sedately with full Mainsail and Genoa goose-winged, plus some staysail to give a little more speed and wind in the Genoa.
Goose winged with the staysail giving that little extra and half a knot more
Our chart of the Coral Sea showing the banks and reefs that lie off shore on the way to our waypoint. X marks the boat position.
We have just had the most wonderful fishing display from what we think was an Australian Gannet. Beautiful bird but too far away and too quick for the camera. As I write, the pole is coming down with the wind becoming south easterly as forecast and definitely less of it.
Good day for fishing and tanning.
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