In Miryadup

Phil & Nikki Hoskins
Thu 1 Mar 2012 23:06
In position 09:29.72N, 078:45.31W
Met up with old friends Chuck and Patty on Soul Mates in Miryadup, a large anchorage behind an island with extensive reef formations and pretty good fishing possibilities.
This was proved when Chuck hooked a huge ray from the back of his boat which threatened to pull him into the water with it! As if to substantiate this further Phil left the fishing rod with a few mackerel feathers just dipped below the surface overnight only to find the next morning that the rod had disappeared. Although assuming it was lost and there was some Denison of the deep thrashing around the San Blas trailing a fishing rod behind it Phil decided to dive in the vicinity of the boat and was amazed to see the rod lying on the sea bed at a depth of forty feet. Taking a huge breath he dived and recovered the missing rod and reel, which was an absolute mess with line and hooks wound round everything.
The reel was immediately stripped down and of course out popped levers and springs in all directions. A new project materialised before his very eyes - getting the reel back together again! Both rod and reel had been gifted to us so losing them would have been very disappointing.