N12:27.6 W061:28.27

Not the most comfortable of sails, bit lumpy and the wind on the nose for a lot of the way but at least it was a dry sail and after 23 hours sailing we drop anchor in Tyrell Bay at 18.00, Friday 16thDecember. We made the last window weather from Trinidad as the winds are now due to increase and head around to the North, locally they are called the Christmas Winds, we are happy to sit them out here in Carriacou.
Once we had climbed the steep hill from the boatyard there is plenty of walking to do around the Island, We knew no-one in the anchorage and we enjoyed a very peaceful Christmas, (complete with a Morrison’s Christmas Pudding!) and New Year. Back in November while in Florida, Claire invited me to join her on a cruise from Miami to Cuba, so now we are into January we are planning how to get me to Miami for the 22nd January! Saint Maarten/St Martin is looking the best so we have our final Roti and say goodbye to Paradise Beach. On the 4th January we set sail for St Martin.
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