Pics for february

Wed 7 Mar 2012 16:47
February was a packed month with us moving around to St Georges where we spent a few days at anchor with Just Imagine, to watch the annual work boat regatta, traditional fishing boats from all over Grenada come together at Grande Anse Beach for this carnival style event.
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From here we went up to the parish of St Paul’s where they were holding the annual village fete, where everyone gets dressed up and the entertainment included the ever present pan bands, carnival costumes, donkey rides and a May Pole dance Calypso style....
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We went to the National Stadium to see the celebrations of the 38th year of independence for Grenada, Pomp and ceremony of which the British Empire would have been proud to see....  The down side was that the parade which had covered two miles from the centre of St George to the stadium and consisting of the Royal Grenadian Police Band followed by members of all the forces, girl guides and scouts arrived at the stadium and had to stand to attention while they awaited the arrival of the dignitaries for inspection and speeches.  GMT (Grenada Maybe Time) and the dignitaries where 45 minutes late and these poor people had to wait in the heat of the afternoon with no shade, they were dropping like flies.  However as with all things Caribbean on with the show, by the time of the finale, which was the Venezuelan Parachute team arriving by air, we were experiencing a squall which meant that not one of the team landed in the correct place and one even landed in the stands luckily not hurting himself or anyone else. 
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All this and then back to Mount Hartman for the leaving ‘parties’ of Kim and Joe who after eighteen months of running a Kayak business here in Grenada have found that the downturn in tourism is looking to go on for at least another year or two so are returning to London and there old jobs, so we let them go in style, with Karaoke at the Oasis Bar Clarkes Court...
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and picnic and games at the field ...
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And then we had the weather window which took us to Carriacou.