Andraitx, Majorca to Barcelona, Spain

Sunday 29072012 41:26.06N 02:14.546 Andraitx, Majorca to Barcelona, Spain ( Passage ) Conditions: Wind: N 2 - 3 Sea state: Slight Visibility: Good Crew: Frank and Jackie DTG: 113.5 nm TTG: 17 hrs ETA :14:00 Fuel 590 litres. Water 300 litres. Gas 1.and a bit bottles
After going ashore for a very pleasant lunch at an outside table at the ‘Bon Profit’ restaurant and some last minute provision shopping, we returned to Bootlegger, moving her to an outside anchorage for a cool off swim.
21:00 Left the anchorage at Andratx harbour entrance and made our way out to sea. A beautiful evening, we were just on dusk with a red glow in the sky out to the west. We set a course of 359 degrees to the waypoint set at the entrance to the Barcelona marina where it is planned to leave the boat for the month of August.. Monday 30 July 2012 00:00 39:51.28N 03:18.64E Jackie’s watch ( 00:00 -:03:00 ) Motoring, no sail out. Clear skies with trillions of stars and an almost full moon giving good visibility; A beautiful night. Wind: NNE 4kts DTG: 94.5nm SOG: 7.3kts ETA: 13.14
02:20 Frank takes watch 04:00 40:19.40N 02:18.122E The Palma – Barcelona passenger ferry MV Murillo overhauled us doing some 18.3kts on a parallel course some 2 nm to Port , her ETA Barcelona 08:00 hrs according to the AIS. Moon has now turned to orange and sunk down low on the horizon. 04:30 passing through fishing fleet 05:30 Jackie takes watch 06:00 40:34.07N 02:16.81E Set genoa, main and mizzen, engine off. Wind SE 15 kn, bearing 354. 11:00 Wind dropped to 5kts; sails brought in as doing nothing. Noon: 41:18N 02:14E Motoring. After a beautiful morning now overcast. Wind 5kts SOG 7:3kts DTG 7.5 nm.
13:30 41:26.063N 02:14.546E FWE in marina located in northern suburb of Barcelona where Bootlegger is to now spend August. Before departing Barcelona by train for home via France and Switzerland where we spent some time, we did the sights. These included Park Guell (see pictures above) and other examples of Gaudi’s works as well as the lovely market of Boqueria. |