Departure Preparation Curacao

Bootlegger of Mann
Frank Newton
Wed 16 Feb 2011 16:48
Bootlegger of Mann Log
Date 16 02 11
15:35N 61:28W
Seru Boca Marina, Spanish Water, Curacao - Passage prep; Sea Trial
Caribbean skies and no significant Weather: Fine and sunny. Wind: E 17 - 22kts
Crew: Cees de Jong; Paul Thijssen and Raenier Reuijle
09.00 Seru Boca Marina. Cleared Customs and Immigration
Re-Installed Genoa. Re-rigged yardarm and masthead light
1030 Slipped marina pontoon berth and departed down buoyed channel
to the open sea for a sea trial. Wind 20 kts. Waves 6' Sunny; good visability.
Engine hours at start 1,429 hrs.
Tacked starboard/port as well as doing some running. Filled up with 167 litres of diesel.
Tank full. Checked all systems.
Engine hours at end of trial: 1430.9
Docked at marina to fill up with water and connect up with electricity.
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