Port Elizabeth, Admiralty Bay, Bequia to Hillsborough,Carracou

Bootlegger of Mann
Frank Newton
Sat 24 May 2008 14:30
Position: 12:29N 61:27.5W
Crew: Frank Newton (Solo)
08.45: 13:00N 61:16W Bequia. Weather: Cloudy with showers Wind: SSE 15kts
09.00: After a delightful day and a half spent descovering Port Elixabeth
and with little time left it is time to move on. I cleared Customs and
Immigration before they closed at 16.00 yesterday. After paying the
moorings man I slipped the mooring with his assistance and headed out of
Admiralty Bay setting a course of 249 degrees to first WP.
Noon: 12:41.38N 61.26.72W Off north tip of Union Island with DTG:12 nm to
Hillsborough 'Capital' of Carracou. Wind: ESE 16kts SOG: 7.4kts ETA C.
14.00: FWE. After motor sailing most of the way arrived Hillsborough
anchorage. Distance done 38.5nm SOG last few miles, 8.00 kts. Engine
hours: 5 Gen. Hrs: 4.
Was considering going ashore but following radio reports of dinghies and
engines being stolen here decided to keep dinghy hauled up and secure.
Picture: Bequia beach bar taken from Bootlegger