Howth to Pt St Mary, Isle of Man

Bootlegger of Mann
Frank Newton
Wed 8 Jun 2011 07:43
54:04.33N 004:43.90W
Wednesday 8th June 2011
Southampton to Isle of Man ( Day 7 )
Passage : Howth to Port St Mary, Isle of Man - 63 nm
53:23.41N 006:04.82W Howth Marina
Weather : wind south westerly force 4, grey and overcast; cold; visability
07:00 Slipped mooring and departed marina setting a course of 54 degrees
for PSM.
Tide requiring periodic course change to Port.
Motor sailing with all sail out as insufficient wind to sail only.
Noon Position: 53:48.45N 005:09.79W
Sails in as doing nothing; wind speed 7.4kt; Visability poor; S.O.G. 8.2
kt; CSE 58 degrees. ETA still 15:00
13:00 Sighted Isle of Man.
R did us lunch of ham and cheese sandwiches.
15:30 54:04.33N 004:43.90W Arrived Pt St Mary and picked up mooring.. We
were greeted by Mick Kneale and Phil Scott of the IOMYC who had came out
in the Club rib to put strops onto a visitors mooring for Bootlegger’s
temporary stay in Pt St Mary. The plan is to take her to Peel in a couple
of days where there is a marina and proper facilities to keep her for the
So, this is it. After a four year round trip of some 12,800 nm and many
adventures and new found sailing friends, Bootlegger and I are finally
home again safe and sound.