Salisbury anchorage to Portsmouth anchorage, Dominica

Bootlegger of Mann
Frank Newton
Thu 29 Jan 2009 20:36

Thursday 290109

Position: 15:34.881N 61:27.923 FWE

Passage: Salisbury anchorage to Portsmouth anchorage Dominica.

Crew FN / KN / KB

15:25.94N 61:26.26W Salisbury anchorage. Weather: Fine & Sunny Wind 20-30
kts on anchorage.

08.30 : After breakfast it was decided to move to Portsmouth some11nm
north of Salisbury. We were not that impressed with this place. With the
wind pretty shy we motor sailed the short distance to Rupert Bay selecting
the anchorage just north of Portsmouth which was well populated with
sailing craft. We were guided to a safe anchorage by Albert – a water taxi

10.20 : 15:34.881N 61:27.923 FWE. We arranged with Albert to collect Kevin
and I at 11.00 a.m. and take us ashore for a day of sightseeing. Karl
elected to stay aboard to keep an eye on things.

Kevin and I then took a taxi ride around the top half of this very lush
tropical paradise where just about everything is grown. We took in the
Carib Territory where the remnants of the original peoples to populate the
Caribbean live. Their features are those of the south American indians,
like for example those of a Peruvian Indian. They co-exist well with the
black population and there has been a lot of interbreeding. Having
completed the trip we returned to the boat at around 18.00 hrs.

FN did a meat pasta. The K’s retired to their bunks at 21.15 hrs.

Engine day’s run: 2.25hrs Gen. day’s run 4 hrs Water consumed since
leaving Marin: 300 litres