My Anguilla Tour

Bootlegger of Mann
Frank Newton
Mon 14 Jan 2008 21:00
Monday 14 January 2008
Rose early and took a swim before making breakfast which as usual I ate on
deck surveying my surroundings. This is a pleasant, indeed charming
anchorage. A fairly long beach, it is fringed by a beautiful white beach.
Ashore looks quiet and peaceful.
Having dropped the tender into the water and rigged the engine I went
ashore to Sandy Ground Village. A really nice place, it has a collection of
attractive bars and restaurants.
I recall back in the sixties the British Government fearing the island had
been taken over, sent in the Paras followed by a bunch of Metropolitan
Police bobbies to police the island much to the amusement of the locals,
returning it to full Brish rule/administration.
Took a cab ride around the island, very flat and picturesque; saw lots of
magnificent beaches and coves. My driver was a bit of a comedian and was
forever cracking jokes as well as recalling with much laughter, the
'British Invasion'.
Had a light lunch in Island Harbour Village before returning to Sandy
Ground. Spent what was left of the afternoon and early evening brousing
around and later chatting with a couple of delightful American yachties,
Ben and Helen from New York in a bar until my stomach told me it was time
to eat. After dinner returned to the boat for an early start as tomoorow
is to be a passage of some twelve hours to Tortolla.
Verdict on Anguilla. I would have loved to stay longer. A really nice place.
Pictured below: Ben and Helen, the American couple I met in the Sandy
Ground bar.