Marigot Bay, St Lucia to Admiralty Bay, Bequia With Pics

Bootlegger of Mann
Frank Newton
Fri 23 May 2008 16:00
Position: 13:00N 61:14.98W
Crew: Frank Newton (Solo)
06.15: 13:57.92N 61:03.W Marigot Bay. Weather: Fine Wind: slight
06.50: After oversleeping by some two hours departed the lovely Marigot
Bay following an initial course of 279 degrees before setting a course of
196 degrees to clear St Vincent. Distance to go Admiralty Bay, Bequia:
62.5 nm and to final destination, St George's, Grenada: 127nm. Need to
average 7kts to be in Admiralty Bay by sunset.
07.45: 13:53.56N 61:06W Motor sailing with SOG 6.7kts Wind: ESE 5 kts
waves: 2.3 m. Approaching the Pitons.
09.45: 13:42.60N 61:10.50W Motor sailing Wind: SE 18kts SOG: 7kts. DTG: 42nm
10.30: 13:36.50N 61:11.26W Wind: ESE to SE 20 - 22kts Waves: 3m SOG:
7.7kts Engine: 1800 rpm Main 50% out, headsail fully out. Sea state:
rough, coming over port beam.
13.00: 13:17:12N 61:16.14W SOG: 6.8kts, Wind on the nose; Engine 2000 rpm;
headasail in.
15.00: 13:00.33N 61:16.14W Arrived Port Elizabeth, Admiralty Bay. Picked
up buoy and FWE. Engine hours: 8 Gen. hrs: 3
Picture: Bootlegger approaching St Lucia's famous landmark - The Pitons as
she heads SSW. Pics of Bootlegger in Port Elezabeth, Bequia