Good sail W to Kotranas on Mani

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Thu 9 Jun 2016 19:51
36:37.10N 22:29.74E
Thurs 9 June Brief reccy of beaches/anchorage on NW coast, comfy fetch just N of West to anchor off Kotronas on Mani 28nm (S4 M2) Wind has gone. Row ashore for walk as didn`t get off Lula yesterday due to strong wind. Raise anchor 1100. Motor W then NNE to have a look at beaches and anchorages on NW coast. Look good if need shelter from east and south winds. Hoist sails 1230 to fetch on port just N of West across big bay for Kotranas on Mani. F3 increasing to 4, so good speed 5+kts. Cool – need a fleece. Get headed below course, then freed and freed as close in on Mani.Clouds over mountains mostly dissipate as we approach, but not completely inland of Kotranas. Wind drops to f3 and heads 6nm out, then dies 1.25nm out. Great 22nm sail. Anchor in 10ft on good sand just E of mole end. Plan to eat ashore, but spots rain, gusts from ahead, big black clouds and sound of thunder, so fire up oven for roast pots and veg on board, and clouds clear – so would have been nice ashore. Next time. Bucket of gash on aft shower deck (ready to go ashore) goes awol. Must have been knocked off by duck painter in gusts. Think can see something bobbing way downwind – out to sea. Usually most considerate with gash, so huge apologies. V calm night. |