Dash to Royan, et La Gironde

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Fri 17 May 2013 05:33
45:37.2N 1:01.6W
17 May Forecast changed to give a more favourable wind today Easterly), and bad weather n rain in 24hours, so lets get south
Depart La Rochelle 0900
Arrive Royan 2000 65nm
Ef3/4, died, S, then filled in from Wf3/4. Sunny!
Shame the wind died midday. Otherwise would have been a fantastic sail. Astra led us out fro La R, waved bye bye and headed for Le Douhet (E coast of Ile D`Oleron). We head round the top of Ile D`O, and down the W coast. No place to be if an Atlantic swell/storm blows up. Two other yachts just ahead doing likewise. Arrival Gironde approaches critical (swell and tide). Arrive spot on (1740 low water +1hr). turn 90 degrees to port. Breakers on the sandbanks .Good W f4 now so we scream along the buoyed channel with a fast flood tide 20 miles to Royan. Sleep well.