Dash to pretty Galaxhidi in lull before more winds fill in

38:22.6N 22:23.2E Wednesday 14 May Dash to pretty Galaxidhi before gales arrive Depart Trizonia 0550 Arrive Galaxhidi 1005 21nm M4 No wind, till after we arrived safely. Hot sun. Think about rigging bimini. Still dimpsey when cast off. Discover steaming light not working! Forecast gave NWf4, increasing to f5 – then f7 later – hence early departure. But not a breath so had to motor all the way, anxiously looking astern for the forecast blow. Uneventful passage. Only a couple of gaps at Galaxhidi as Sailing Holidays flotilla had arrived the previous day and today was their outing to Delphi. They are on a 3 week delivery passage from winter berths at Corfu thro Corinth to Aegean. D We (Skip!) dropped kedge a bit late on first approach so reversed out and dropped kedge well out second time. Very happy dead straight and not across other anchors, and plenty of warp for forecast f7 beam wind, even in here. No wind yet, but arrived a couple of hours later than forecast, with a vengeance. Talk of 57 knts out in gulf (just f11) so glad D`fly sandwiched between longer Sailing Holidays craft double anchored with kedges to be sure. Blew v hard for 48 hrs, so sailing Holidays stayed in port. |