South to Levkas, and marina showers

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Wed 2 Oct 2013 06:32
38:50.0N 20:42.7E
2 October Discover it wasn’t Two Rock Bay! Head 25nm SSE to Levkas Town for
a two night stop and catchup with Chris and Kay Coomer
Depart what we thought was Two Rock Bay 0845
Arrive just off Levkas marina 1520 28nm
Sun from sunrise (0800) to sunset (1900). Less fluffy white clouds (which
mainly avoid us). Brief land breeze. Usual WNW f3 increasing to f4 from
Fairly long hop today, out of lee of islands. Dawn cabin temp 16 degrees!
Head south and hoist sails as fetch with land breeze. After half mile pass what
is obviously Two Rock Bay. No boats in there but a couple of distinctive rocks
in entrance. Didn’t check to paper chart yesterday – just chartplotter, which is
wrong as clearly marks where we stopped as TRB. Paper chart shows TRB and an
anchorage in the bay just passed.Rod’s pilot doesn’t have chartlet but does give
lat/long and shows correctly on large scale plan.Land breeze dies after 2
miles, so motor. NW swell making main crack on rolls. Annoying. Have already
rolled up genny as not enough wind to fill. From 1200 just enough breeze to fill
sails and give extra knt, but keeps fading. 1315- enough breeze to switch off
motor and a good f4- 5knts for last hour n a bit. Drop sails in moderate swell
off Levkas canal entrance 1430. Anchor in pool awaiting 1500 bridge opening. Go
thro with 4 other yachts. Anchor in inlet just to N of marina. Many many charter
and other yachts moored stern to town quay – looks like for the winter. Launch
duck with motor to get to quay and explore Levkas Town. Have been racing by on
previous visits and never got into town. Find pleasant long pedestrianized
mainstreet with interesting shops, excellent chandleries and other side of
marine a Carrefour (and tinned coconut milk to go with remaining jar of Tescos
TGC paste!) Have credit left on shower card from last visit, so Jane has first
shore hot shower for several weeks. Get excellent takeaway pizza from Festina.
3 October – Early rise. Cold wind outside so have breakfast in cabin. First
time for quite a few months. Duck ashore for proper shopping expedition wearing
fleeces – remove by 0930. Thank goodness it’s sunny again. Skip does chandleries
(and gas); Jane does non yachtie shops. 1130 lift anchor and visit fuel berth.
Two gerrycans and 9ltrs in main tank. (69euros for 47 ltrs) Should see us thro
to winter layup in Messolongi. Get shown to berth with laid sternline (and elect
& water). Book in at marina office – now out of season so only 19.66. Top up
shower card too as will still work when passing next year. Visit bookswap room.
Invite C&K for meal on D`fly. Jane does TGC prep, Skip does boat clean. Both
hose decks. Fill fw tank. Shore showers again Jane has luxury of “hairdryer” on
boat mains. Evening drinks nattering with C&K well wrapped up in cockpit.
Others going ashore predominantly with trousers, sweatshirts and Gill type
jackets as cool wind blowing. Eat below. Halcyon is lifted out tomorrow.
Forecast of several days rain next week and Easterlies. Will need to be
somewhere with decent wifi. Already have novels at the ready.