Quiet Fiskardho

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Tue 19 Apr 2016 12:31
38:37.4N 20:41.1E
Tuesday 19April Bit of a sail on way to Fiskardho 11nm(S1 M2.5) Sunny Tuesday 19th No dew last night. Dep 1000 Huge clump of mud on anchor takes a while to shift. Ef1/2 so motor gently. Picks up so sails out 3knts increasing to 5, then becalmed off NW tip of Ithaca, and into f2 headwind coming up sound between Ithaca and Kefalonia. Plenty of room again – decide go stern to beside big Dutch MY with pretty flowers in hanging baskets. Pressure hoses at work again. Seem to be more maintenance chaps ashore than tourists. Taverna astern erects giant umbrellas and wires up lights after winter hibernation, and carefully unwraps repainted tables and chairs. Huge planted flowerpots then delivered. Walk to Foki bay. Getting warmer, able to remain in cockpit for beer after sunset. |