To Sivota for engine check, then fast sail to lovely Kastos

38:34.1N 20:41.0E Friday 13 June Early motor to Sivota for engine check. Fast afternoon sail WSW to much loved Island ok Kastos, just off mainland Depart Kioni 0900 Arrive Sivota yacht bar pontoon 1230 13nm M3.25 Depart Sivota 1430 Arrive Kastos 1745 longlines ashore 15nm S3 M0.25 Sun. No wind AM, WSW then WNW f4 PM
Early breadrun. Motor N. Go inside island and rocks Ay Nikolaos, just before NE tip of Ithaka. Note would be good for a night stop. Oily calm. Stop motor in Sivota entrance to drift in with onshore breeze whilst take cooldown swim. Tow in Sailing Holidays crew in duck with stopped outboard. Gently bows to into wind on Yacht Bar pontoon. Simon listens to engine/prop noises. Detects gearbox ware, and misalignment. Not major, yet, but needs doing before start voyage back to UK. Fill water tanks and head out. Will go with the wind. Have five nights before Vigdis survey at Preveza. Good breeze outside. Decide our favoured Kastos is downwind. Don’t mind arriving late there. Cracking sail. Broad reach at 6/7knts, then goosewing as wind backs near mainland. Strong gusts as fetch NNE up E coast of Kalamos. Much spilling of main. Drop sails 100yds off harbour entrance. One space on quay, but unfriendlies don`t want us. Transpires hogging for a mate who arrives later. Lift keel a tad, go well in with kedge and christen new yellow floating line with swim ashore to secure bows to lamppost and mooring ring. Jane does well with motor and lines as skip swims. Neat parking. Peaceful, charming, unspoilt. Wonderful place. We`ll stay a couple of nights. Resident spider busy spinning web in lifebuoy, so he`ll be staying too. |