Uncomfortable morning as f6 arrives. Stay put Pilos as guests arrive too.

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Tue 26 Apr 2016 04:41
36:55.13N 21:42.0E
Tuesday 26April Bumpy morning. Stay put Pilos waiting for guests to arrive and strong winds blow thro Sun and strong cool NW wind Tuesday 26 As forecast NW f6 arrived 0400, or at least that`s when awoke as L`ula pitching sharply in swell rebounding from cliffs into marina. Most severe at seaward end of breakwater – where we are, but no other vacant berths when arrived yesterday. At least blowing L`ula off quay so fenders not squeezed too much. Reasonably safe, just uncomfortable motion. Both unable to sleep. Skip gets up and catches up on blogs. Daylight reveals angry sea over breakwater and inner harbour nightmare cauldron. Take turns to head into town for stores. Work out where may be able to motor in to get water. Steve and Mike catch 1300 bus from Kalamata arriving 1430. No hurry as not going anywhere today - f5 for rest of day and doubtless big swell running outside. Crew learn ropes |