Castlenaudry to Bram

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Sat 1 Jun 2013 08:13
43:15.3N 2:07.7E
1 June - Share locks with hire boats – some know what they are doing –
some don’t!
Depart Castlenaudry 0945
Arrive Bram 1645, 14nm 12 locks (some 4s,3s and 2s)
Overcast, v windy and just a small shower late PM
Congestion at first lock. Looks like the first lock for one boat They exit
full throttle, bump both gates and aft crew tumbles. Convoy to next lock. Wind
plays havock with a couple of boats, the third knows what he is doing. Takes 40
mins to get all in and out. Thank goodness the full throttle boat went out
slowly. We see aft crew with cleated warp up to bollard and back down round his
leg. As they exit at a fair speed panick to unwrap the remaining coils from leg.
Just managed.Thank god they didn’t exit a fast as their first lock. Shared a few
more locks with the same convoy, then the least experienced boat decided to
stop. More relaxed for rest of day! But major water intake blockage, again as
exit a lock. This time had to remove intake pipe from stopcock and rod thro with
long screwdriver. Fountain of water indicated all clear again. Decide to switch
off engine in locks from now on. Moored to bank opposite restaurant, walked 1.5k
into Bram. Amazing layout – the streets are in circles around the central large
church. Beer in restaurant – talked to walkers who have been unable to do the
nearby hills/mountains as too much snow and mist, so they did a canal walk
instead. Said finding accomm difficult as many places not yet open due to bad
weather (and presumably lack of tourists). Heavy rain in the night.