Set sail, to Lefkas and on to Babbi`s

38:39.75N 20.45.0E
Wednesday 13 April to Friday 15 April Genoa arrives and fits. Depart for Levkas town quay (8nm M1 S1) for two nights, and on to Babbi`s at Spartochori 12nm (S1 M2) Hot sunny days, cold nights Wednesday 13th Hot sun. Genoa arrives 1000, and fits. Water up, depart 1300. Cost was 3nights at 15 euros =45, good value with free water and elect.Hoist main last 1000m of fairway, turn S. Reach building from 4knts to 6 knts. Pleasant temp even at sea. Bliss! Anchor in pool waiting for 1500 bridge opening. Discover m,anmy twists in anchor chain. Slowly let out 45m. Will untwist the rest later. Find room on Town Quay,.Strong x wind. We are just upwind of charter yacht getting ready for season with anchor laid stupidly well upwind. Fit new jammers for new 3rd reef. Thursday 14th Hot sun again, then grey and S f4+ Much whistling in rigging.Neighbours anchor chain now useless! Shopping for 100mm #8 bolts, find so fit additional organiser rollers. Lots shopping (chandleries, SM and plastic boxes). Fit and varnish new shelf in pots n pans locker. Beer in marina, collect ozzi chicken for supper. Friday 15thHot sun NWf3 Tricky exit 1100with leeward neighbour`s anchor well to windward. No crossed anchors, just loads gooey mud.Slow to follow barge with dredgings for last ½ mile, exit canal and set genoa for hour with wind from E. Anchor in last bay to port where coast heads E and untwist remaining 20m chain and all warp. Relax. Lift anchor 1300, motor to village quay at Spatochori, moor alongside. No wind. Sweltering heat with such clear air. So tranquil, just the birds singing. One other motor boat, and one on buoy – both Brits on first outings with recent acquisitions. Meet up in Babbi`s, who is in excellent spirits and fires up cookers just for us. No wind but rolly swell appears so Brit Mboat moves in further; L`ula less effected so stay put. Scops owl gets going at dusk, with sonar blip call going all night till dawn |