South to Levkas for LSC reunion and gantry man, via luvly night at Two Rock Bay

38:50.02N 20:42.65E Saturday 30 Sunday 31August Show Julie ashore, Lakka, to Two Rock Bay (mainland) for night, and S to Levkas to meet Lympstone gang and gantry man Saturday 30 Depart 1415 Arrive Two Rock Bay 1845 21nm M1 S3.5 Go ashore and treck along rough path to N of Lakka Bay, then back to village. Ice cream treat. Swims. NW wind fills so set off, zigzag downwind. Motor when dies for an hour from 1545. Difficult to spot Two Rock Bay as approach, then opens up. Just three boats there. Test new sea thermometer from father Christmas and ferried out on Astra (not allowed on flight out unless medical or am member of a meteorological organisation!– discover the boat thermometer on log has been overreading. It`s only 26 degrees. Have anchored in a bit too close to boulders on seabed so, after exploratory snorkel move along and out to nice clear sandy bottom. Big cat arrives in darkness and anchors well in. Peaceful night. No light pollution, many stars. Sunday 31 Depart Two Rock Bay1100 Arrive Levkas Town Quay 1630 26nm M1.75 S3.75 Great sail; great party! Jules up early for impressive swim. Lazy breakfast. No rush as wind won’t build till after noon. Motor S close to coast, past attractive Ligia. Been there with Jules on D`fly. Good stopover when doing the long leg S from Paxos to Levkas (or vice versa), but often tricky entrance with swell running. Can`t raise Lula`s keel to be on the safe side like could with D`fly. Anyway, no need to call in today. Hoist sails 1230. 3.5knts, beam reach on auto. No shifts so cleat sails and let Lula burn the miles. Builds to f4, and a good 5 then 6knts. Make 1600 bridge opening with 5 mins to spare. Boat behind doesn`t get there in time! Find one space on town quay so grab it quick. Forecast of a storm on Tuesday, so some heading for shelter early. Astra arrives after 1800 bridge. Coombers and Dixons have flown in today too. Have been in touch with Rach without Jane knowing – she hires car to pay a surprise visit from Vassiliki on day off. Spend evening/night with us, delivers Brompton, and collects fenders! Interesting evening hosting LSC reunion |