Back on Liveloula. Dash to Preveza to tidy Dragonfly

39:38.83N 19:51.1E Tuesday 12 August to Sunday 17 August Dash to Preveza, and back, to tidy D`fly and stow kit for the passage home. Tuesday 12 Day in Gouvia renaming and other boat chores Wed 13 Depart Gouvia 1400 Arrive Sivota 2015 25nm M6.25 Get going after more boat chores. No wind at all. Get as far S as poss and anchor in between Islands of Sivota and ay Nikolaos. Amazed no one else in anchorage. Many anchored just off mainland. Thurs 14 Depart Sivota 0800 Arrive Preveza 1830 40nm M5 S5.5 Boring motor, but poke into stunning Two Rock Bay. Not been in before. Will visit again with guests. Then gentle sail ending up good NWf4. Sail all way to just off Cleopatra Marina. Anchor off for one night Fri 15 Get fuel and moor in Cleopatra so can get ashore to D`fly easily. (She is laid up in Ionian boatyard.) Jane goes to get water taxi across sound to town as long shopping list, to find not running as all shops shut – it is a bank holiday – Assumption Day. Bugger, no bread, milk, and lots more. Find out of date UHT carton on D`fly. Hot from living in bilge locker ashore, but tastes ok.5 No wind to start then n so can at least have cuppas, as will be leaving early tomorrow before can get to shops. Do much tidying up on D`fly ready for quick launch in Sept to head to Italy and France. Simon has overhauled gearbox. Skip checks belts and finds water pump one about to break, so replaces. Phew – glad spotted that. Eat out at Panos. Have doggybag to keep bread for breakfast, and souvlaki for tomorrow`s supper! Sat 16 Depart Cleopatra 0800 Arrive Petriti1630 50nm M6 S4.5 No wind to start, then usual NNW fills. Find loads of super hot fw in bilges. Think problem with hot water tank as safety valve has blown,possibly from engine coolant overheating, tho alarm has not triggered. 1800rpm OK, and more and hot water appears in bilges.Not enough W in wind so have to put in tacks to sail up past crowded Emerald Bay on Paxos. Keep going as luvly sailing breeze. Tops f4, so full genoa and one reef in main. Wind heads in S Corfu Channel, and again as head W last few miles to anchor well in, just off harbour, in 10ft, so motor sail for last hour. Duck has died hung on transom. One deflated chamber and it`s transom come unstuck. So don`t go ashore! Lend socket to bubbly Italians. Returned with unnecessary bot of wine as gratzie. Sun 17 Depart Petriti 0800 Arrive Gouvia1400 16nmEarly start as plan to keep revs at 1800. Slow going as N wind builds to forecast f5. Struggle last 4miles to Gouvia with waves building and more hot water in bilges. Pleased to arrive Gouvia, on main quay, as f7 comes thro late afternoon/evening. Dusty! |