Time to leave Galaxhidi; head W to Trezonia and farewell to Bridget and Job

38:22.2N 22:04.5E Wednesday 21 May – One week till big 60, so motor W back to Trizonia heading for Vasiliki to meet up with Rachel Depart Galaxhidi 0945 Arrive Trizonia 1400 21nm, 6hrsM Not a breath. Really strong sun so rig bimini, first time this year. Oily calm. Get bread and pies ashore. The statue is on headland overlooking entrance to Galaxhidi harbour, commissioned by the Maritime Community, dedicated to the wife of the seafarer in recognition of her unique contribution to the cause of family, shipping and mankind (20.9.08). Bridget joins us for uneventful motor to Trizonia. At least not a howling headwind. Job arrives by ferry from nearby mainland. Equally amazed by the number of graveyard boats in this abandoned “marina”. They take a walk, and then we say bye bye as get ferry back to mainland, car and head back to Galaxhidi apartment. Just the two of us now. |