Further S to landlocked bay of Sivota to meet up with Vigdis for test sail on Friday

38:37.1N 20:41.2E Thurs 5 June South thro Steno Meganisiou (Meganisi Sound?) to landlocked bay of Sivota, on S end of Lefkas, for appointment with SO35 Vigdis Depart Little Vathi 1145 Arrive Sivota, bows to, 1400 9nm M2.25 Another all day scorcher, but still cool at night
Uneventful passage. Spectacular views as transit the sound between mountainous Lefkas and flatter Meganisi (545m hill to stbd, 301m to port, both falling steeply to sealevel). Winds usually blow N or S, (down or up the sound) or both, here , but not a breath as we steam thro. Motored all the way to arrive before Sivota full as many flotillas call in here. Can then watch the fun of flotillas berthing, but today Thursday, and very little difficult cross wind, so skippers should have got the hang of it by now. Moor up just a couple of berths away from Vigdis, the Sun Odyssey 35 we met in One House Bay some days ago, and is conveniently just the sort of boat we want, and for sale at end of June. Go aboard for a good natter with David and Elaine before test sail tomorrow. Sun goes down behind surrounding hills, so quite early. Again, still too cool to enjoy supper in cockpit. |