Pottering along E coast Paxoi, pick up Cat and to Mongonisi

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Fri 6 Sep 2013 06:51
39:11.0N 20:12.3E
6 September Lazy breakfast, potter up and down E coast of Paxoi calling at
pretty Longos (ice cream), Lacca (tourist shops), Gaios (provisions and pickup
Cat) and to Mongonisi (for night!)
Depart Emerald bay 1100
Arrive Mongonisi,1810 17nm
Cloudy most of day
A lie in and swim before amble up N to next island, Paxoi – which is only a
mile or so further N. (Paxoi is the one about 8 miles S of Corfu.)Just a slight
S breeze so motor all the way. Go in bows too on inside of quay at Longos. Small
v pretty village. Do same at Lacca so Rach can have quick look round. Then
anchor in Lacca inlet for swim. Huge Brit yacht Destination moored in entrance
to inlet. Probably worth a google. motor back down to Gaios and bows to again.
Getting the hang of laying/retrieving kedge now. Buy provisions. Excellent
timing – return to D`fly just as Cat and Rach arrive from ferry. Lets get off
then. Motor out S entrance and to Mongonisi, large inlet on S end of Paxoi. Swap
txts with Helen. They are on Bvaria 49 for month. Looks like our tracks crossed
today. Bows to on quay. Swims, showers, beers (girls do GnT), then to taverna. V
small Brit wedding going on – there’s a Welsh twang to best man’s speech. Bride
and groom in full kit. Guests in shorts. Lovely. Music doesn’t go on late
(unlike the Greek wedding last time we were here). Windless night, but cool in
cabin now. Pressure off. We have 6 days to amble S to Cephalonia n drop off
girls. Need to get blogs up to date too. Good wifi with bat here, so cando