Ed and Rosemary leave; long haul N to return to Patriti on Nisos Kerkira (Corfu)

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Mon 22 Jul 2013 16:57
39:27.1N 20:00.2E
22 July Run Ed, R and gash ashore 0800; head N and end up back at Patriti
after some exploring on way
Depart Parga 0900
Arrive Patriti 1745 29nm
Sun (goes without saying),WNW breeze from 1300 – f2, up n down and a brief
f4 just before arrival
Up early to run E & R (and gash) ashore 0800 (for taxi to bus stop).
Spotted bins at back of beach. Always looking out for bins as gash mounts –
particularly beer cans/wine bots! R looking v healthy after 2 weeks aboard. Ed
still catchin up. They’re off to Join Chris Coomber on cat in Levkas. Thanks R
for assistance from Sicily, and Ed for emergency supplies – and basil. Enjoy the
Inland Sea. We spend hour getting motor and duck stowed, scrub below
(freshwater) and decks (seawater) as D`fly looking grubby after many shoes doing
trips ashore. Ship shape. Gotta head N against prevailing afternoon wind as fly
home Friday. Not sure where we will end up tonight.Motor along mainland. Islands
around Mourtos look worth a stop - but not bought long sternline yet (to bow
anchor and tie stern to rocks/trees ashore) so can’t really moor up. Mourtos
town quay looked nice too, but need to get further N today. Breeze arrives 1300
– but v gentle for some hours, and on the nose. George can’t handle, and noisy.
Do long leg NNW on port sheets eased a tad. Tack when chartplotter bearing for
Patriti is course less 110 degrees. Get freed and headed on long tack in, but
spot on as eventual fetch to sail right in to anchorage. Frisky wind for last
1/2 mile. Go further in this time. On first visit noticed good depth inshore and
less distance to beach. Anchor in 9ft. Warmer sea, but not so clear. Duck
ashore. This is becoming one of our favourites. No real tourists, just us
yachties and very much a working port. Fishing fleet loading nets for night at
sea. V fine mesh, and lights on separate floats Jason will know what they’re
after. A couple of flotillas in too. One small boats –look like 28footers at
most – could be 26, like Con Brio. Youngsters seem to be on those. The other
(30plus footers) Brit families – paleskins. Must have just arrived at weekend
for hols. Funny bar bill. Second time we’ve had this on tour. Outside menu says
beer 2.5euros, but change for 3.0 euros a go! What the heck. Cold, and best view
ever. Herd of goats foraging on foreshore as we return to duck.