Marina di Portisco to Olbia, and lay day whilst gale blows thro

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Mon 24 Jun 2013 21:31
40:55.3N 9:30.5E
23 June – keep going south, 3 hours anchored in lovely bay, then tie up
Olbia before wind arrives
Depart M di P 0630
Arrive Circo Nautico Olbia 1600 (4hrs anchored) 28nm
sun, Wf4/5
Early start to get round the massive Capo Figari (1,115ft) which drops
sheer into sea before wind gets up. Notice Cakewalk is on horizon heading for
shelter in Porto Cervo. Anchor in small inlet behind Isola di Porri – U turn on
way in when gets too shallow (rocks). All have swim. Wind building, so head off
to get a safe place for next couple of nights. Follow cartoon sided ferries into
Olbia. Nifty manoeuvre by skip to go bows to, and pick up two sternlines (looks
like two for all on windward side of pontoon so must be used to the W gales).
Small friendly marina based on local YC (who are having prizegiving for dhow
style yacht regatta – saw them racing in approaches earlier). Olbia is a real
lively town tho cruise liners drop off tourists for a stroll so some tat shops
too. Discovered excellent chandlery and smarket, but still no decent bread.Lots
of history as one of few natural harbours on E coast used by Carthaginians,
Romans and then the Goths and Vandals, and now us. Evening stroll. End up in
market square where big crowd of locals doing mix of folk/line type dancing to
Mirko e Daniola Putzu on electronic accordions. Brilliant! All ages of ordinary
folk from kids to grandparents.The dances are learnt in the families. The
evening party follows some religious festival earlier in the day. This part of
Sardinia known as Gallura (Land of the cock).
24 June loads of wind – next boat says gusting f9. Do boat bits (&
first scrub of the year!). Get out Ben’s hair clippers for skips first cut of
voyage. Kedge basket overflowing with beer tins, so trip to recycling. See
lemons on lemon tree! Super evening meal at quaint restaurant as Danuta’s last
night – lots of huge fish portions (Jan’s a bit late as cu with order),skip has
massive steak, then feels feint as too much blood to tum. Jane has seen this
before so all calm. Skip ok. Refreshing walk back to boat.