Across Golfo di Taranto to Santa Maria di Leuca, right on bottom of stiletto, for last stop in Italy

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Fri 12 Jul 2013 20:04
39:47.7N 18:21.3E
12 July depart at first light for long leg to our last Italian port
Depart Crotone 0500
Arrive Santa Maria di Leuca 2100 72nm
Hot and sunny, not so sticky as yesterday (to start with) NNW f3, fades to
NWf1/2, then a strongNNW f3
Jane up early again – must be the excitement of Greece so close. (Unusually
no sign of Rosemary – having a well deserved lie in still recovering from the
exhaustion doing all those “I’m about to go away” tasks). No wind so easy exit
from between large sailyachts. About 1/2 dozen others setting off too - a couple
(Brit and Dutch omni) have same speed so stay close for 40 miles, then head up N
as wind frees. See another couple of “pair trawlers” (some yesterday too). Deep
water – must ask Jason what they are after. Expecting to motor all way. Have 3
hrs of decent fetch to start with keeping over 4knts and then 5 (heeling so loo
won’t flush!), but then fades so have to motorsail with main and genny helping.
Meatballs or lunchfOK! With 20 miles to go snag debris round prop. Not cleared
by reverse, so skip takes a swim to remove. 3000ft deep, but warm, so when all
done girls take a cooldown dip too. No 3G on kindle today as way offshore – so
can’t keep track of Ashes 1st test till arrive (after close of play). Honours
about even. Wind pipes up for last 2 hours – fast sail in(6knts). Arrive well
after sundown but can make out other boats in anchorage against promenade
lights. Brit who was with us for first 8 hours is already anchored. Looks lively
ashore, but no time to find out.