S along East scenic coast of Levkas to Tranquil Bay, just off Nidri

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Fri 4 Oct 2013 17:04
38:42.1N 20:42.8E
4 October – Motor down thro Levkas Canal, and into headwind, then frees for
shifty fetch into enclosed bay off Vlikho, and back to anchor in Tranquil
Depart Levkas Marina 1030
Arrive Tranquil Bay 1430 16nm
More clouds about. f2/3 headwind funnelling up narrows, but frees to give
enough E in it to just about fetch down to Nidri
Get fresh bread, blogs off whilst morning coffee ashore (bat still not
working – USB malfunction),stow Brompton and motor down Levkas Canal. Just
enough cool headwind to require Tshirt dress code. Motor sail from 1130; just
sails from 1245 as wind goes from SSE to SE, ESE. Can’t lay Nidri to start, so a
couple of short tacks out on stbd. Very shifty. Much trimming of sails. Passing
along E coast of mountainous Nisos Levkas. Spot Nisos charters base – no boats
in today. Many boats tied up side by side afloat and propped up at yards ashore
in Nidri and on W side of totally enclose bay Ormos Vlikho. Most yards haul out
with winch pulling wood sledge on timber slats/roller. Have to motor for a few
mins thro the 100yard wide entrance into Ormos Vlikho. Sail out and return to
Tranquil Bay ( a mile or so back) to anchor in 26ft. Usually go shallower as
only 40m chain (but plenty of just in case warp thereafter), but can’t do so
here as wrecks and shoals to E and S, and need to put out sternline in close to
N. 44 other boats in bay. Some look moored well in for winter with lines ashore.
Dozy afternoon. Jane gets frustrated by a medium su doku. Remove Tshirt. Light
wind in here Motor ashore in duck. Nidri High St runs in one block and parallel
to prom. High St is not attractive! but functional. Long run of shops, and more
shops. Can’t walk pavement as obstructed by goods on display. Some interesting
chandleries. Prom is a delight. Stop at Piperi taverna for a beer and wifi
forecast. Some wet days ahead. Loads of wind coming up from S but seems to be
block on it getting N of Gulf of Patras. The browns and yellows just fall off,
like the contours of a steep high mountain. Will need to check regularly as want
to keep clear of 6s/and 7s as we head for Mesolongi. In front of us wind has
died to dead flat calm for night. Eat on board, down below. Getting v cool.
Will need to hunt for HWB if this continues. No swell. No wash from ferries.
Feels odd not to be rolling or pitching at all Aptly named bay.