Cool motor to pretty Kitries on Mani, lively sail to Kalamata

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Mon 2 May 2016 05:56
37:01.41N 22:06.37E
Monday 2 May Easter Monday Skip up before first light. Motor to attractive Kitries on Mani for breakfast, fast sail N to Kalamata marina. Tie up on fuel pontoon 18nmS1.25 M2.75 Cool NEf1, grey clouds. Gusts descent into breakfast anchorage from 1130. S f5/6 occ 7Torrential rain 1430 Uncomfortable chop and pitching till 0300. Skip up v early(0600) Need to recover chain and anchor before forecast Ef4 gets up. Mike up next, so raise anchor carefully. All clean. Away anchor 0730. Motor all way to attractive inlet and small caique harbour at Kitries, on Mani (middle finger of Peloponnese), anchor just off in 18ft, 1015 All done by pupils again. Breakfast. Sun appears. Wicked gusts start descending. L`ula swinging all over the place. Depart 1200. Just genoa in fresh S wind.Occ 30knt gusts. GPS gives 8.6knts boatspeed. Steve loving it on helm. Skip takes over to shoot entrance. Leave out tad reefed genoa (for stability) and rev motor to power broadside to wind waves for last bit into Kalamata Marina calm. No one has been answering VHF or phone for last half hour, so tie up on fuel pontoon 1315. Marinio appears. Can wait here and move to proper berth in evening calm. All shops shut today (Easter Monday) and tomorrow ( Labour day), but marina bar open with live Greek music tonight!Torrential rain as wind blows thro 1430 Then all calms down. Excellent food and music in marina bar |