Still at Galaxhidi. Bye to Sally, hello to Bridget and Job and bikes. Spectacular drive inland with stunning mountain views

38:22.6N 22:23.2E Saturday 17 May – changeover day – Sally leaves, Bridget and Job arrive We`re still at Galaxhidi! Sally gets the 1000am bus for Athens – 3.5hrs, for 17euros.We give D`fly a washdown, and go for a motor offshore (to dump contents of holding tank as “nearly full” red light had come on). Loads of room on quay, so we return to same spot, where can see apartments chosen by sister Bridget and Job. They’re bringing their mountain bikes, and hiring a car in Athens. They arrive while we down below on Roanda, having drinks. Start in cockpit but as soon as sun goes down too cold to stay in cockpit. Noisy night – the sea front bar has disco till well after 3.00am, but for us good night’s sleep courtesy of ear plugs (and beer!).
Monday 19 May – drop B & J & Bikes off up high behind Delphi, Jane arrives by bus and stunning 5hr drive round inland mountains Sat night mas VERY noisy, Sunday OK.B&J squeeze their bikes into car and the three of us drive up and past Delphi. Drop them off for descent. Drive back to Delphi and rendezvous with 1115 bus and Jane. We drive up and in to Mount Parnassos ski resort, quite a bit of snow still in S facing gulleys, so a cool air temp up here. They are putting in a new lift from base station (1750m) very windy descent (brakes get a bit smelly!), along huge fertile plane and up and around forested Mount Giona(2507m). Good but deserted roads. For two hours didn’t see another vehicle. Magic scenery, noisy birds and cuckoos. Loads of bee hives in remote places! Lots of mining going on too. Sadly a grey day so photos do not do justice to views. Just get back to Galaxhidi in time to drop off Jane and head to Itea to visit sm and pick up weary B,J and bikes. Am now buying Greek yoghurt in 1kg pots – easier to store above chilling beer in fridge – the smaller pots just got everywhere. And how tasty the yoghurt is too, with a dollop of wonderful Greek honey. Still having to eat breakfast and supper down below as air temp cool till sun`s rays shine. |