Motor down E coast of Paxoi, stopping at Longos, for night at Mongonisi (on S tip of Island) and evening walk to Gaios for meal

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Thu 26 Sep 2013 10:46
39:11.3N 20:124E
26 September Early coastal walk, headwind, so motor all way down Paxoi E
coast stopping at Longos, going thro Gaios, mooring bows to in Mongonisi. Lazy
afternoon and evening treck to Gaios for meal out
Depart Lakka1115
Arrive Mongonisi 1430 8nm
Unusual S wind, f2/3. Fairly thick high cloud, so cool. Clears and warms
V heavy dew, but warmer cabin temp starting at 21degrees. Morning ritual of
downloading and wizzing thro Telegraph on Kindle. Learn Ben Ainslie and USAs
Oracle have beaten NZs (from 1-8 down) to win Americas Cup 9-8. Walk to NE of
bay (with map!). Hoist outboard, raise anchor and slow motor against headwind
and short sea down pretty E coast of Paxoi. Have to wear T shirt for a while as
high cloud prevents heat from sun. Clouds thin, sun strengthens, T shirt removed
to usual dress code – just shorts. Space on quay at Longos (only room for two),
so go bows to for an hour. Short walk S to cove and revisit shops. V much end of
season feel. V quiet. Some hire boats wrapped up ashore. Less stock in shops.
Continue to motor S. In N entrance and out S entrance Gaios. Loads of room on
quay at Mongonisi. Drop kedge v early in case S freshens– nearly run out of
warp. Jane and Duncan to beach. Lazy afternoon. Sun still nice n hot with gentle
S breeze. Duncan heads off to explore Gaios. We follow (45 min treck)to arrive
for 1930 at previously visited restaurant. Probably last eat out with Duncan.
Super meal again. Town now quiet. Just over a dozen at restaurant. English
waitress advises on April/October weather patterns. Sounds v OK. Walk home in
dark takes nearly an hour. Many stars again, milky way most clear, hardly any
traffic. Surprisingly warm.