Explore nearby anchorages; swim/lunch stop; forecast wind doesn`t arrive so motor most way to Petriti on E coast of Corfu (Kerkira).

39:27.20N 20:00.18E Friday 18 July Explore other anchorages for lswim/lunch stop; afternoon motor NW and reach in to Petriti Depart lunchstop 1500 Arrive Petriti 1740 11nm M2.75 S1/2
Duck ashore for bread. Upanchor 1100 and explore other bays. Anchor well into passage between islands of Sivota and Nikolaos, ahead of fellow Devonians from Tavistock. Not supposed to be a passage but see OCC flotilla of 27fts motor thro, slowly, line astern of lead boat. What`s their draft? Boats each have 6 or 7 youngsters on board. Cosy at night! Chart shows rocks and not doable. Would give it a go in D`fly, but not L`la. Forecast give 4s and 5s after lunch. Doesn`t arrive. So motor most of way offshore NW, around low spit Levkimmis (Corfu Island) and bear away WSW to Petriti. Did get f3 from nothing for 1/2hr at 1630, but on nose and soon faded.Big clouds develop astern over Igoumenitsa on mainland, but don`t hear thunder rumbles today. Anchor in11ft. Know it`s good holding here. Will explore ashore tomorrow, and get in to fill tanks with fresh water if we can. |